With its innovative software solutions and impressive growth trajectory, Atlassian has captured the attention of investors worldwide. In this article, we'll uncover the strategies and insights you need to maximize your gains and navigate the exciting journey ahead. So, fasten your seatbelts and get ready to ride the wave of opportunity with Atlassian Corp stock for the potential of 100% gains.

I. Introduction

Atlassian Corp (TEAM) is a software company that develops products for software development teams. Its products, including Jira, Confluence, Trello, and Bitbucket, have gained significant popularity among businesses worldwide. With headquarters in Sydney, Australia, and offices across North America, Europe, and Asia, Atlassian has established a global presence.

Latest Developments and News of Atlassian Corp

Atlassian Corp (TEAM) has recently achieved significant milestones in the industry. They were named a Leader in the 2023 Gartner Magic Quadrant for DevOps Platforms, solidifying their position as an industry frontrunner. The company's Co-CEOs also adopted new 10b5-1 Trading Plans, showcasing their confidence in Atlassian's future growth. Furthermore, Atlassian announced impressive financial results for the third quarter of fiscal year 2023, highlighting their ongoing momentum and resilience.

Growth Potential and Reasons to Consider Atlassian Stock

Investors and traders should pay attention to Atlassian Corp due to its strong revenue growth, with a 30% year-over-year increase in the most recent quarter. As a leading provider of software for software development teams, Atlassian is well-positioned to benefit from the growing demand in the industry. The company's commitment to innovation is evident through the continuous updates and additions to its product suite, ensuring it remains competitive and valuable to customers. Atlassian's reputation for effective and user-friendly products further enhances its position in the market.

II. Atlassian Corp's Overview

Founding: Atlassian Corp was founded in 2002.

Founder & CEO:  The company was co-founded by Mike Cannon-Brookes and Scott Farquhar. As of the knowledge cutoff date in September 2021, Scott Farquhar and Mike Cannon-Brookes served as the co-CEOs of Atlassian Corp. However, please note that executive positions may have changed since then. Scott Farquhar and Mike Cannon-Brookes co-founded Atlassian and have been instrumental in driving the company's growth and success. They have been recognized for their entrepreneurial acumen and innovative approaches to software development tools.

Headquarters: Atlassian Corp is headquartered in Sydney, Australia.

Atlassian Corp operates under various segments, primarily centered around its flagship products:

Jira Software: Project management and issue-tracking software for software development teams.

Confluence: Collaborative documentation platform for teams to create, share, and organize content.

Trello: Web-based project management tool with a visual interface for organizing tasks and projects.

Bitbucket: Web-based version control repository hosting service for software development teams.

Key milestones in the company's history:

In 2002, Mike Cannon-Brookes and Scott Farquhar launched Atlassian, initially offering a bug-tracking tool called Jira.

In 2004, Atlassian released Confluence, a collaboration and documentation platform.

In 2010, the company introduced Bitbucket, a web-based version control repository hosting service.

In 2017, Atlassian acquired Trello, a popular project management tool, expanding its product portfolio.

In 2021, Atlassian announced its strategic focus on cloud-based offerings, aligning with the industry trend and customer demands.

Source: Barron’s

III. Atlassian Corp's Business Model and Products/Services

A. How does Atlassian make money

Atlassian operates under a subscription-based business model, generating revenue primarily through the sale of software licenses and subscriptions for its products. Customers pay a recurring fee to access and utilize Atlassian's collaboration and productivity software. The company offers different pricing tiers based on the size of the organization and the specific needs of teams or individuals.

B. Main Products/Services

Atlassian Corp offers a range of products and services that cater to the needs of software development teams and organizations seeking efficient collaboration and project management solutions. Some of their main products/services include:

Jira Software: A project management and issue-tracking tool that enables teams to plan, track, and manage software development projects. Jira Software allows teams to create and prioritize tasks, track progress, and collaborate on software development workflows.

Confluence: A collaborative documentation platform that facilitates the creation, sharing, and organization of content within teams and organizations. Confluence enables users to create and edit documents, track changes, and collaborate on content creation and knowledge sharing.

Bitbucket: A web-based version control repository hosting service designed for software development teams. Bitbucket provides tools for code collaboration, version control, and continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) processes, allowing teams to manage and collaborate on code repositories efficiently.

Trello: A visual project management tool that uses boards, lists, and cards to help teams organize and track tasks and projects. Trello provides a flexible and intuitive interface that enables teams to manage their workflows, assign tasks, set due dates, and collaborate on projects seamlessly.

IV. Atlassian Corp's Financials, Growth, and Valuation Metrics

A. Review of Atlassian Corp.'s Financial Statements

Market Capitalization: As of June 24, 2023, Atlassian's market capitalization stood at $45.19 billion. This value represents the total market value of the company's outstanding shares.

Net Income: In the most recent fiscal year, Atlassian reported a net income of -$533.27 million. A negative net income indicates that the company incurred a loss during that period.

Revenue Growth Over the Past 5 Years: Atlassian has demonstrated robust revenue growth over the past five years, with an average annual growth rate of 23%. This growth indicates the company's ability to generate increased sales over time.

Profit Margins: Atlassian has experienced negative profit margins in recent years. In the most recent fiscal year, the company reported an operating margin of -15.31% and a net profit margin of -18.27%. Negative profit margins suggest that Atlassian's expenses have exceeded its revenue, resulting in losses.

Cash from Operations (CFFO): Atlassian has shown strong cash flow from operations in recent years. In the most recent fiscal year, the company generated $825.73 million in cash from operations. Positive cash flow from operations indicates the company's ability to generate cash from its core business activities.

Balance Sheet Strength and Implications: Atlassian's balance sheet appears strong. The company has a current ratio of 1.31, which indicates that it has sufficient short-term assets to cover its short-term liabilities. The debt-to-equity ratio of 2.22 suggests that Atlassian has higher debt levels relative to its equity. However, it's important to consider the context of the industry and Atlassian's growth prospects when evaluating the implications of its debt levels.

Valuation Metrics

Price-to-Earnings (P/E) Ratio: Atlassian's P/E ratio is -75.98. A negative P/E ratio indicates that the company's earnings are negative. However, it's worth noting that negative P/E ratios are not uncommon in the software industry, especially for high-growth companies that prioritize reinvesting in their businesses rather than maximizing short-term profitability.

Price-to-Sales (P/S) Ratio: Atlassian's P/S ratio is 13.88. This ratio suggests that investors are willing to pay a premium for each dollar of Atlassian's sales. However, it's important to compare this ratio to the industry average to gain a better understanding of its valuation relative to its peers.

Enterprise Value (EV) to EBITDA: Atlassian's EV to EBITDA ratio is 21.83. This ratio indicates the company's valuation relative to its earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA). A higher EV to EBITDA ratio suggests a higher valuation relative to the company's earnings. Comparing this ratio to industry averages can provide further insights into Atlassian's valuation.

B. Key Financial Ratios and Metrics

When comparing Atlassian Corp's financial metrics to some of its largest peers, including Cloudflare, Okta, and Zoom Video Communications, certain factors stand out. Atlassian has achieved a solid revenue growth rate with a 3-year compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 23%. While this growth rate is lower than that of Cloudflare (48%), Okta (52%), and Zoom Video Communications (45%), it still reflects healthy expansion within the software industry. However, over the past three years, Atlassian has experienced a decline in earnings with a negative 3-year CAGR of -18%. In contrast, Cloudflare (32%), Okta (40%), and Zoom Video Communications (30%) have demonstrated positive earnings growth rates. Atlassian's negative earnings growth indicates potential challenges in maintaining profitability. Additionally, Atlassian's forward P/E ratio stands at -75.98, reflecting negative earnings and suggesting caution from investors. In comparison, Cloudflare (125.75), Okta (107.07), and Zoom Video Communications (30.46) have positive forward P/E ratios, indicating a more optimistic outlook for their future earnings. While Atlassian's current financials may raise concerns, the company's strong revenue growth rate and expanding product offerings indicate the potential for future growth and market dominance.

V. Atlassian Corp (TEAM) Stock Performance

A. Atlassian Corp Stock Trading Information

Atlassian Corp, traded under the ticker symbol TEAM, is listed on the Nasdaq stock exchange. It is headquartered in the United States, and its stock is traded in US dollars (USD). The trading hours for TEAM stock on the Nasdaq are from 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM Eastern Time (ET). Additionally, pre-market trading takes place from 4:00 AM to 9:30 AM ET, and after-market trading occurs from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM ET. Notably, Atlassian Corp has previously undergone two stock splits, where each existing share was split into five shares, in 2013 and 2014. However, the company does not currently pay dividends to its shareholders.

B. Overview of Atlassian Corp Stock Performance

Atlassian Corp (TEAM) has demonstrated a positive trajectory in its stock performance, highlighting its potential as an investment option.

Over the past year, TEAM stock has exhibited a steady increase of 7.28%, indicating resilience and consistent growth even in challenging market conditions. This performance reflects the company's ability to navigate market volatility and deliver value to investors.

Taking a broader perspective, TEAM stock has shown remarkable long-term growth over the past five years. With a substantial increase of 230%, Atlassian has consistently outperformed the market, generating significant returns for shareholders. This robust growth underscores the company's strong fundamentals, market leadership, and ability to capture opportunities in the software development industry.

Key Drivers of Atlassian Corp Stock Price:

The stock price of Atlassian Corp is influenced by several key factors:

● Company Growth: Atlassian's overall growth, including its ability to expand revenue and profitability, plays a significant role in driving its stock price.
● Product Portfolio: The success and market reception of Atlassian's flagship products, such as Jira, Confluence, Trello, and Bitbucket, are crucial drivers for its stock price.
● Competitive Position: Atlassian's ability to maintain a competitive edge within the software development market, amidst competition from other companies, impacts its stock performance.

Future Prospects of Atlassian Corp Stock:

Atlassian Corp (TEAM) holds promising future prospects, underscoring its potential for continued growth. As a leading provider of collaboration and productivity software, the company is well-positioned to capitalize on the expanding software development market. Analysts share a positive sentiment towards Atlassian, with a majority recommending a "buy" rating, reflecting their confidence in its growth potential. The average price target for TEAM stock is projected to reach $200 per share, according to analyst estimates. These factors collectively indicate that Atlassian Corp is poised for further success, which makes it an intriguing option for investors seeking exposure to the software development industry.

VI. Risks/Challenges and Opportunities

A. Competitive Risks

Source: The Business Journals

Atlassian Corp operates in a highly competitive landscape within the application software industry. Key competitors include prominent players like Palantir Technologies (PLTR), Adobe Inc. (ADBE), Marathon Digital Holdings (MARA), Zoom Video Communications (ZM), Salesforce.com Inc. (CRM), and Digital Turbine Inc (APPS). While facing competition, Atlassian possesses significant competitive advantages that differentiate it from its rivals.

Analyzing Threats from Adobe Inc. (ADBE)

Adobe Inc. is a formidable competitor in the software industry, known for its wide range of software products and solutions. However, Atlassian holds a unique competitive advantage through its product leadership in agile work management and developer tools. This focus on the needs of developers gives Atlassian an edge over Adobe in catering to the requirements of the software development market.

Analyzing Threats from Digital Turbine Inc (APPS)

Digital Turbine (APPS) and Atlassian (TEAM) are both software companies, but they operate in different markets. APPS provides mobile app advertising and monetization solutions, while TEAM develops software products for software development teams.

One potential threat that APPS poses to TEAM is its ability to target mobile app users with advertising. APPS has a large network of mobile app publishers and can deliver ads to users based on their interests and demographics. This could make it difficult for TEAM to compete for ad revenue, as APPS can reach a wider audience of potential customers.

However, APPS also faces some threats from TEAM. TEAM offers a variety of software products that can help software development teams manage their projects, collaborate on code, and release software more quickly. These products could make it easier for software development teams to work more efficiently, which could lead to decreased demand for APPS's mobile app advertising and monetization solutions.

B. Other Risks

In addition to competitive pressures, Atlassian Corp faces various challenges that investors should consider:

Data Privacy Regulation: The evolving landscape of data privacy regulations poses a risk to Atlassian's operations. Adhering to regulatory requirements incurs additional costs and necessitates ongoing compliance efforts.

Security Risks: As a provider of collaboration and productivity software, Atlassian must prioritize addressing potential security vulnerabilities to safeguard customer data and maintain trust in its platforms.

Margin Pressures: Pursuing expansion initiatives or investing in product development may exert short-term pressure on Atlassian's profit margins due to upfront investments and the time required to generate substantial returns.

Dependence on Mid/Large Enterprise Spend: Atlassian's revenue heavily relies on the spending patterns of mid-sized and large enterprises. Economic downturns or reduced IT budgets within these customer segments can adversely affect Atlassian's financial performance.

Pricing Concerns: Competitive pricing pressures prevalent in the software industry may impact Atlassian's ability to maintain favorable pricing structures for its products and services.

C. Growth Opportunities

Atlassian Corp has identified three key growth opportunities to drive its future success. Firstly, the company's commitment to continuous product innovation ensures that it stays ahead of market trends and meets the evolving needs of its customers. By consistently improving its existing products and introducing new features, Atlassian strengthens its competitive position and drives revenue growth.

Secondly, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies presents a significant growth avenue for Atlassian. By leveraging these technologies, the company can enhance its software solutions with intelligent features and automation capabilities. This not only improves productivity and streamlines workflows but also provides valuable insights to software development teams.

Lastly, Atlassian can capitalize on upselling and cross-selling opportunities within its customer base. By offering bundled packages, complementary tools, and additional services, the company can increase its average revenue per customer and drive additional growth. This strategy leverages the strong relationships Atlassian has built with its customers and maximizes the value they receive from its product suite.

Through continuous product innovation, integration of AI and ML technologies, and effective upselling and cross-selling, Atlassian is well-positioned to further solidify its position as a leading provider of software solutions for software development teams. These growth opportunities allow Atlassian to drive revenue expansion and maintain its competitive edge in the market.

D. Future Outlook and Expansion

Looking ahead, Atlassian Corp's future outlook appears positive. The company is well-positioned to capitalize on the growth of the software development market due to its strong product offerings, established customer base, and global presence. Mitigating risks, leveraging competitive advantages, and capitalizing on growth opportunities will be instrumental in sustaining Atlassian's growth trajectory. Continued investment in research and development, strategic partnerships, and market expansion efforts will drive innovation, expand Atlassian's customer reach, and enhance shareholder value. By adapting to evolving market dynamics and staying ahead of industry trends, Atlassian can solidify its position as a leader in the software development industry.

VII. Trading Strategies for TEAM Stock

When considering trading strategies for Atlassian Corp (TEAM) stock, it's essential to analyze key resistance and support levels to identify potential entry and exit points. Currently, the stock is trading at $162, with a key resistance level at $192 and a support level at $129. Traders may look for opportunities to buy the stock near the support level or wait for a breakout above the resistance level before entering a long position.

One advantage of trading TEAM stock through Contract for Difference (CFD) instruments is the ability to take advantage of price movements without owning the underlying shares. CFDs allow traders to speculate on the price movement of the stock, whether it goes up or down. This provides flexibility and the potential for profit in both rising and falling markets.

When trading TEAM stock CFDs, it's important to consider risk management techniques such as setting stop-loss orders to limit potential losses and take-profit orders to secure profits. Additionally, conducting thorough research on the company's financials, market trends, and news updates can help inform trading decisions.


VSTAR is a regulated trading platform that offers the opportunity to trade TEAM stock through CFDs. Trading TEAM stock CFDs at VSTAR comes with several advantages. Firstly, VSTAR provides a user-friendly app suitable for both experienced traders and beginners, with an intuitive interface and comprehensive trading tools.

Additionally, VSTAR offers competitive trading conditions, including low trading fees and super tight spreads, ensuring cost-effective trading for users With VSTAR, traders can access a wide range of global markets, including stocks, currencies, indices, gold, and oil, diversifying their trading portfolio. The platform supports multiple payment methods, providing convenience and flexibility for depositing and withdrawing funds.


In conclusion, Atlassian Corp (TEAM) is a prominent software company that has established itself as a leader in providing collaboration and productivity tools for software development teams. With a diverse product portfolio including Jira, Confluence, Trello, and Bitbucket, Atlassian has positioned itself at the forefront of the software development market. The company's recent product enhancements and strategic integrations have further strengthened its offerings, leading to significant revenue growth and positive market performance. While the company faces competitive risks and challenges, Atlassian's strong financials, robust cash flow, and favorable future prospects indicate its potential for continued success.

*Disclaimer: The content of this article is for learning purposes only and does not represent the official position of VSTAR, nor can it be used as investment advice.